Safe Ship Moving Services Briefly Discusses How to Downsize and Declutter Before a Move


Moving can be an immensely stressful time that requires a good deal of preparation and planning. One of the biggest challenges that come with home relocation is downsizing.  While people may hire companies like Safe Ship Moving Services to manage a move, one would have to decide what to keep and what to get rid of before a move all by themselves.  Downsizing before a move, however, is important as it will help people to save money and enjoy income from the sale of unused goods.

Safe Ship Moving Services provides a general understanding of how to downsize and declutter before a move

Downsizing is quite a time-consuming process. Hence, one should try to start as early as possible to get enough time to go through all the belongings. It is important to create a timeline for decluttering different areas of the house prior to the moving date. This shall help people to stay organized and focused on the job.

To properly sort everything, it would be a good idea to make four piles of items:

  • Keep
  • Sell
  • Donate
  • Discard

One should organize everything in each room into designated piles and work through them methodically. This can include large items like furniture, which take up the most space in moving trucks and can save money by reducing the load. Fewer belongings mean less stress and lower moving costs.

A checklist for decluttering should be created to see to it that nothing is overlooked and helps track progress. The checklist can also include a moving timeline and highlight key service contact dates. Listing each room or area in the house and checking them off after sorting items to keep, sell, donate, or discard can keep the process organized. If there are a lot of damaged or unusable items, renting a dumpster might be a good option.

People need to consider how many of each item, like plates or cups, they truly need. It is easy to accumulate excess, but a useful guideline is that if something has not been used in the past year, one is unlikely to need it in the future, and therefore it is best to let the item go. Prioritizing quality over quantity can simplify one’s life and space. It is also more practical to have a smaller collection of high-quality, durable items that are used frequently, rather than an abundance of mediocre ones that only add clutter.

The moving experts from Safe Ship Moving Services mention that one should think about the space they will have at the new home and consider whether everything they own would properly fit in it. If not, then it is critical to be practical about ones needs and what they can let go of.  When it comes to big items like furniture, it will be smart to measure them before deciding whether to bring them along.

People who have items that are still in good condition should try to sell those goods. Online marketplaces and second-hand shops will allow people to earn some cash that can be used towards moving expenses or to buy fresh furniture for the new residence. If one has a large number of things that can be sold off, then they may even arrange a yard sale or garage sale at home.