How to Study for the Neurology Board Exam


The neurology board exam is the last thing that is standing between a person and starting their career. They have worked and studied hard for many years and now it all comes down to this exam. When a person is studying they can practice with some neurology board exam questions that are similar to the ones found on the test to get a feel for the exam and the type of information that will be covered on it.

This exam has a 77 percent pass rate and 88 percent of those that take the test for the first time pass it. It does take some effort and organization but if a person puts their time in and studies they will be able to correctly answer the neurology board exam questions.

Have a Review Guide

Many good review books can help a student study for this exam. They should look for those that have practice tests and multiple-choice questions. A student should read the reviews on the study guides before they purchase them to make sure they are getting one that will prove to be useful.

Exam Questions

The RITE is a good starting point. This study guide has questions that are similar to those that are found in the game. There are also free practice exams online that will provide feedback if a student selects an incorrect answer.

Pacing is Important

A student has learned what helps them study in the past. When a student is studying for the neurology board they should take their time and pace themselves when it comes to studying. This is a board topic and covers a lot of information. If a student waits until the night before the exam to cram in studying it will not be effective.

Topics Covered

A student needs to read the exam guide or do an internet search to see the major topics that are covered on the neurology exam. Histopathology may be featured in some of the study guides but this topic will not be covered on the exam.

There is a full break down of all of the topics that can be found on the exam. While all of these topics should be reviewed a student should pay extra attention to any areas where they may have struggled with the information.

Make a schedule

A student needs to schedule out their study time and they do need to include some time for fun and relaxation. A student needs to take care of themselves. While they do have obligations to study this information they need to practice self-care too.

 It is important to make a schedule. If a student is at their clinic experience all day they may want to relax with friends or family to avoid the burnout that night. If they are relaxed it is a good idea to study. A student should pace out their week. They can take one to two days off from studying during the week.

 They should look at the days when they have the most obligations or are putting in the most hours and use those days to relax or to catch up on some sleep. If a student is getting tired of studying they should go for a walk. Spending time in nature is good for problem-solving skills and will help increase performance.

These are some tips to help a student prepare for the neurology exam. With some dedication, a student will be able to pass this exam on their first try and begin their career.