Wooden Windows – A Traditional and Welcome Return to the Past


If you take time to look around your neighbourhood, you will perhaps notice that there are more and more wooden windows making an appearance. This is not anything new, but what you could actually say is a return to the windows of the past.

Due to more and more people wish to make their homes lookmore attractive and feel that little bit more comfortable, traditional wooden windows are now on their way back, and not into fashion it might be added, although the aesthetic enhancement is certainly most appealing.

Up With the Times

Over the past few decades, more so called efficient windows have come to the fore, which wooden windows couldn’t compete with in the past regarding things such as heat loss, and the other types of windows being stronger and more secure. But nowadays, modern wooden windows in Willenhall have all of the benefits of any other type of window and the benefit of much better looks!

This so clearly provides the reason why so many people are choosing wooden windows over other materials. However, windows are something that everybody takes for granted and see and make use of every single day, and not many people consider just what makes them work.

So, let’s have a look at what modern windows are made of, what they’re made from and how they work!

Materials and Parts

  • All parts of windows apart from the glass are made from a selection of materials.
  • Windows can be made from:
  • Vinyl
  • Fibreglass
  • Wood

Sashes, Stiles and Panes

  • What is called the sash, is that part of a window which is actually attached to the glass.
  • Should a window be in need of replacing, both the sash and the glass it contains must be removed.
  • The vertical parts of the sash are known as the stiles
  • The horizontal parts of the sash are called the rails.
  • A double-hung window has two sashes, an upper and a lower,
  • As you are probably already aware, the pieces of glass in all windows are called panes or lights.

In the past, combinations of panes were the norm, such as in configurations of twelve-over-twelve for the two sashes of double-hung wood windows. This arrangement of panes were back in those times, how windows had to be constructed, and they are nowadays considered so visually attractive and appealing that you can maybe understand why they are making a huge comeback.