Most Common AC Mistakes You Are Making With Your Air Conditioner


Air conditioners are significant investments, and you must utilize them correctly to maximize the return on investment. An air conditioner will work as efficiently as possible when it is installed, operated, and maintained properly which will help to cool your home and reduce the energy bills. One of the major reasons for the rise of energy bills during the summer months is due to poor maintenance of the air conditioner. Poorly maintained air conditioners can be contaminated with microorganisms that are detrimental to your health as well.

Here are the most avoidable mistakes we have been making while using and installing AC:-

Buying the wrong size

People often misinterpret that bigger sized air conditioners cool the room faster. This is false because an oversized AC will turn on and shut off more frequently due to the system thinking it has satisfied the need for air. The frequent start-ups and shut-downs affect the compressor of the AC and reduce its lifespan. This will end up having you spend more money on ac repair O’Fallon MO more frequently and replace it sooner. So, it is essential to buy the right air conditioner according to the size of your home.

Incorrect installation

Improper AC installation can actually decrease heating and cooling efficiency by up to 30%. An AC unit that is not properly installed might seem to work well, but you will receive high energy bills which are unusual. Proper ac installation in O’Fallon ensures that the AC will have a long, productive, and efficient life. Replacing the AC is a smart idea, but unless you are working with professional HVAC contractors, you may experience unforeseen issues in the future.

Poor maintenance

Ignoring AC service can hurt the equipment. Although they are designed to last long, it still needs to be serviced regularly. The filters, fins, compressor, drains, etc. can get clogged by dirt and dust over time and reduces efficiency. Clean the filters and remove the dirt and debris from the coil using a fin brush regularly.

Setting your thermostat low

The thermostat should be set to a temperature which is not much lower than the room temperature. The more the temperature difference, the harder the AC has to work to make the room comfortable. Set the temperature that is closer to the room temperature. Once the temperature is down, adjust the temp. So, never set the temperature too low like 16 degrees as soon as you switch on the AC.

Whether you need a quick heating and cooling repair O’Fallon mo, regular maintenance, or a custom installation, contact Swiss Air.