Is Your Car Key Faulty? These Might be the Possible Reasons


Several people inadvertently place the keys in the cars, or often misplace them. They often seek the assistance of a locksmith in Lake St Louis MO to resolve this. However, locksmiths often get called by car owners for another common situation – the car keys just won’t work! A faulty car key is obviously overwhelming, especially when you are in the middle of a busy day. Here are 4 possible reasons as to why your car keys are faulty. For more visit Citroen Business Contract Hire.

The Car Lock is Damaged:

If the key doesn’t work when you are trying to unlock your car, it is possible that the car lock itself is damaged. If you are using a modern car, there’s less chance for this to happen with keyless entry remotes.

On the other hand, when you have an older car model, it could be that the lock might be faulty or worn down. Besides the fact that car locks wear down over time, external elements such as environmental factors could also damage the lock. A lock replacement service from auto locksmith should work. For more visit Citroen Used Car.

The Key is Damaged:

Another common reason for your car key being faulty is simply because it might be damaged. A damaged car key doesn’t always necessarily mean it is broken. Keys are physical components that tend to wear out over time.

A locksmith in Lake St Louis MO explains that just like car locks, constant use of car keys, combined with lack of maintenance, will have an adverse impact on them. Over time, the key might not be able to operate the internal mechanism of the lock, which is why it could be faulty.

Aftermarket Keys:

When people try to obtain replacement keys, they will explore and purchase aftermarket keys because they are available at a lower price. However, aftermarket electronic car keys are not always safe to use in your car. When you purchase an aftermarket key and don’t reprogram it, you will notice that the key will not work. Aftermarket products are not always designed to fulfill the requirements of a particular vehicle, which is why additional work would be required to make them fully compatible.

The Ignition Cylinder is Faulty:

Car keys not only work with external door locks, but they are also associated with the ignition. So, if you insert the key into the ignition and it doesn’t work, this could mean that the ignition cylinder is faulty. Cars, as we know, are comprised of mechanical components, and just like keys, constant usage contributes to the wear and tear of such mechanical components as ignition cylinder and more.

Apart from the aforementioned reasons, other factors would be as simple as the batteries in keyless entry remote running out of juice, or using a duplicated car key. Contact a certified auto locksmith in Lake St Louis MO for prompt assistance when your car key is not working as intended.